In Person Adventure with Juventus
Another IP autograph adventure.
When i heard first time that the Juventus team would be in Gdansk to play a friendly match, I didnt care much, as I live in Warsaw, almost 400km away. But then, I realised, this will be a once in a lifetime chance to to get Buffon's autograph, as he is in the peak if his career. I immediately took my chance, and bought a ticket to Gdansk. I would arrive in Gdansk in the morning, and return to Warsaw at night. It was a risk I had to take while buying the tickets, as I was scarred I wouldn't get any autographs. But then ..All in or nothing 😉 .I woke up at 4, and my train left at 5. I arrived in Gdansk at 9. I was thinking if I should go to the airport, as I heard, that the team will arrive in the hotel at 10-11am on the day of the match which was 29. 07.15 . But I decided, that if they don't let me in the hotel, I would go to the airport. I called the Hotel a day before my arrival and asked if the cafe would be opened to eat and sit, they replied with a yes. When I arrived in the hotel, i saw a small group of people standing behind the fence with Juventus shirts and photos of players waiting to be signed. There were less than 100 people.

When I reached the hotel, I was shocked. There was a bus in the parking lot which was owned by Juventus. The people waiting there told me that the team arrived a day before the match. Which was yesterday in my case. I was too far away from the bus and I knew I wouldn't get autographs from there. I decided to enter into the hotel and expected to find someone. I walked over to the reception and asked where is the cafe. They told me that the cafe was closed because of the team. I was very disappointed by the hotels staff. I was unlucky and had to wait behind the fence with the others. I heard the people talking that the team would leave for training at 11. I quickly bought some lunch and stood there till 10 but nobody came out. Some staff members from Juventus went for a walk and I followed them. The staff apologised and they said that there might be some players willing to walk over to the fans. I lost my hope. After breakfast I stood there behind the fence. At 10:20 Claudio Marchisio walked out. I was one of the first people to walk over to him and ask for a autograph. I got 4 autographs and a photo with him. He was a very nice person

Later I got to know from the security that the team will not be having the training session they will go straight to the match.
I stood there till 11, and than there was a line of people waiting. They started coming in the hotel. I heard the guards shouting: People with reservation for meat and grill, please line up. I thought that they were going for the some restaurant. Than I saw people coming out of the hotel, with autographs on their shirt. Than I realised, it was Meet and Great..... They won a competition to meet the players. I lost my hope because I knew that the players wouldn't come out of the hotel to give autographs. I decided to ask a person to get me autographs on my t-shirt and I said that I would pay him 25 euros. I got autographs from Gianluigi Buffon, Stefano Sturaro and Paulo Dybala and I also got 2 autographs that I don't know to who they belong. I asked some people to take my album inside and asked them if they could get me autographs. I got autographs on photos of Buffon and Khedira. Lots of people attended the meet and Great. I stood there till 15:20 and I had a bus to take to return to Warsaw but I knew that I wouldn't make it so I exchanged the ticket to 16:30. I arrived in Warsaw at 21:00. I really wanted to get autograph from Paul Pogba but unfortunately I didn't get one.
At the end, I got 4 autographs of Marchisio in a picture, 2 times Khedira on a white paper, once Khedira on a photo, once Evra on a white paper, Buffon on a picture, and a signed shirt with Buffon, Dybala, Sturaro, and 2 more players which i still cant identify.
Via: In Person
Waited time: Standing almost 6 hours..
Received: 29.07.15
Dedication: No

Even though 28 photos were wasted... it was worth it. Now I have a signed shirt of the two team which played in the finals of champions league 2015.

*Buffon going to the bus

Edited by: Pranit Karira