Marco Van Basten
The legendary Marco Van Bastens autograph. . He played for Ajax, Ac Milan, the Netherlands and won the Balon d'Or 3 times 1988, 1989 and...

Mario Balotelli
Mario Balotelli I received a letter today from Italy. Inside was "Balotellis" autograph. I have sent him a SASE, LOR, and 4 photos. He...

Mario Gotze
I received today an autograph, from an young talented player. Mario Gotze!. He scored the winning goal for germany to win world cup in...

Jupp Heynckes
An amazing success. I got a letter from germany, and inside were autographs of Jupp Heycnkes. I waited 2 weeks for a reply from his...

Asier Illarramendi
Illaramendi autograph. He is an young real madrid player and plays for the spanish national team. I waited 1 month and 2 weeks to receive...

IP Adventure with Juventus (Polish ver.)
In english, click here Kolejna przygoda z autografami. Gdy po raz pierwszy usłyszałem o meczu Juventus’a w Gdańsku, nie przejąłem się tym...